Our Story
Established in 1959, the Center Laboratories, Inc. (hereafter refers as the Company) founded as a pharmaceutical company specializing in full-dosage drugs development and manufacturing. In 1998, the company experienced its first reformed and repositioned itself as a professional oral liquid pharmaceutical company specializing in diverse liquid drugs development and manufacturing and offering wide range of liquid drug solutions for medication purpose. Thereafter, the Company achieved a remarkable market share of 70% within the domestic oral liquid drugs market in ten years horizon. Nevertheless, the vast majority of the market share also implying limited upside for the new sales growth. The Center Laboratories began its second business restructured and transformation with new innovations. In 2008, the Company reformed its business structure and shifted it business strategies focuses on dual growth engines emphasis on strategic and organic growths, while continue to expand its oral liquid drugs businesses. Post the business restructuring, the Center Laboratories began its second reformed and repositioned itself as “Biotechnology Industrial Bank” with initial investments made in the biotechnology industry through two of its major subsidiaries, the Bioengine capital inc., and the Bioengine Technology Development Inc. During the second reformed, the Company shifted its focuses on biotechnology investments and incubation. In 2018, the Center Laboratories again proven track record of delivering in both oral liquid drugs and biotechnology investments post second reformed. The first two reformation has resulted in great success for the Company while investments businesses continued to expand over years. In order to create synergies, the Company began to integrate its resources with another business transformations. The Center Laboratories initiated the third reformed and evolved into “Professional Biotechnology Venture Holdings Group,” (also renamed as the “Center Ventures Group”) that aiming to assist its target investment companies with the intention of revamping target investment company’s operations, with consolidation through Merger and Acquisition or re-selling at a profit. Overtimes, the Center Ventures Group has become one of the leading professional biotechnology incubator platforms in Asia Pacific. The Group targets to incubate more unicorn like companies with market cap exceeding NTD$ 30 billion each, while continue to seek for any potential opportunities in emergent industries that can serve as the second growth engines within the group.
Initial Stage
Established in 1959, the Center Laboratories, Inc. founded as a pharmaceutical company specializing in full-dosage drug development and manufacturing. In 1995, the capital size was NTD$40 million. -
First Reformed (Professional Liquid Oral Drug Manufacture)
In 1998, the company experienced its first reformed and repositioned itself as a professional oral liquid pharmaceutical company specializing in diverse liquid drugs development and manufacturing and offering wide range of liquid drug solutions for medication purpose. -
Second Reformed (Biotechnology Industrial Bank)
To achieve business breakthrough with limited market share upside, the Company reformed its business structure and shifted it business strategies focuses on dual growth engines emphasis on strategic and organic growths.
‧Organic Growth – the Company continues to develop specialty drugs for combination therapy, and further penetrated into new fields product developments such as psychological and CNS (the central nervous system).
‧Strategic Growth– Post second reformed, the Center Laboratories repositioned itself as “Biotechnology Industrial Bank” and established Bioengine capital inc., and the Bioengine Technology Development Inc. The Company target to become one of the leading professional biotechnology investment company and incubator in Asia Pacific. -
Third Reformed (Professional Biotechnology Venture Holdings Group)
Following the investment businesses expansion post second reformed, the Center Ventures Group initiated the third reformed that redefined the dual growth engines that shifted business strategies emphasis as the followings:
‧Organic Growth– The group targets to incubate more unicorn companies with market cap exceeding NTD$ 30 billion each, while aiming to assist target investment companies with the intention of revamping target investment company’s operations, with consolidation through Merger and Acquisition or re-selling at a profit.
‧Strategic Growth– Continues to seek for any potential opportunities in emergent industries that can serve as the second growth engines within the group.
Center Ventures Group’s Two Major Types of Investments:Core Business Investment & Emergent Industries Investment

Our Vision
We help the visionaries of tomorrow better the lives of today.
Our Mission
We bring together resources and experiences in Asia Pacific to help potential biotechnology and healthcare companies tap into the global market.
Corporate Value
Center Ventures Group corporate values include “Innovation, Integrity, Professionalism, Common Goods.” We believe that encouraging innovation to embracing possibilities and let impossible made possible. “Integrity” is the root of the life care, while integrity and transparency are our building blocks of our foundation. More importantly, we hope our “Professionalism” and resources can continue to make positive impact to our industry with “Common Goods” that brings better heath to human development and to achieve our vision on “helping the visionaries of tomorrow better the lives of today.”